everybody ready for bed and Santa. We went
to a friends house for dinner and made
to a friends house for dinner and made
cookies. One of the great things about the Corps
is that it is like one big family and if anyone knows
what it is like to be away from family, it is people
in the military. So every one's homes are always
what it is like to be away from family, it is people
in the military. So every one's homes are always
open to whoever needs a place to go.
When Jason came home from work yesterday he wanted to give the boys a gift each that he had gone and picked out himself, and give me my gift (since he is working tonight). I wanted to wait, but he wouldn't give up. So, I opened it. And got a big surprise. He gave me a new digital camera! We talked about that being what we would buy this year as our gift, but then decided to wait, so that was the last thing I thought it would be. Our digital camera was one that was actually part of our video camera and the quality of pictures was really low since it was kind of just like a side feature. So we were still using film for the pictures we developed. The camera he got me is awesome and way better than I had hoped for. Now I know why he wanted me to open it so bad, so I could have it for Christmas morning. So enjoy pictures with our new camera!
Merry Christmas everyone!