Aiden learned how to ride his bike without training wheels over the weekend! Saturday Jason took them off after Aiden saw one of his friends down the street learning to ride and said he wanted to try. Jason worked with him on Saturday and he didn't quite get it. Sunday morning he was ready to try again and before long he was riding on his own. Sunday afternoon he started to learn how to turn. He was doing really well when a little girl from down the street rode her bike over to say hi. Aiden was excited to show her that he could ride and yelled "Watch Ellie!" He tried to make a turn, but wanted to make sure Ellie was watching, so he turned his head to see if she was and ran right into a mailbox! :) Already pretty girls are making Aiden fall off his bike! By Monday morning he was riding well and turning on his own. As he would ride down the street I could hear him saying to himself "Steady, steady." Yesterday afternoon he learned how to get started on his own. He was very determined and would not let me help him at all, even though he did get pretty frustrated at times! Jason and I are having a hard time with seeing how fast he is growing up! Kyle not to be outdone with Aiden riding without training wheels, has started doing stunts on his bike. He stands on top of his bike and tries to pop a wheelie while standing. He has succeeded. He was very supportive of Aiden telling him "dood job!" each time he make progress. They both are a blast to watch, but also very nerve wracking.
Hahahaha yeesssss!!! I knew this post would come someday. Tell Aiden I am very proud of him. I think he learned how to ride a two-wheeler before I did. And Kyle trying wheelies is awesome too! Jason must be soo proud. Haha and its nice to Meagan Drive again.
Erin, great story about the mailbox, etc. funny- that same thing happened to me the other day.
Way to go Aiden! We are so proud of you! I love the mailbox story too :) So cute.
What happened to the music from the "Dixie Chicks?" Watch out for #2, WHO WILL soon ride without the wheels.
Got to go! The slow music makes me sleepy!!
Tell Aiden Dodad says "Way to go" thanks for the update.
They're growing up too fast! Soon we'll be reading about Aiden driving and running into mailboxes like Sean! Don't you wish you could somehow print out the blogs for a permanent memory record? These stories are too good to forget! Tell Aiden we are so happy & proud of him. AND Kyle, too! It won't be long for him.
Way to go Aiden ! Reminds me of Ryan and his first ride.Great photo's............. love, A.Debbie
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