Friday, March 09, 2007

Beach Day!

I hate to rub it in to all you northerners, but while you all were having a snow storm, we were at the beach! When we were there the other day, the local newspaper was out taking pictures and Aiden's picture was in the paper the next morning.

As you can see, they didn't have any fun at all! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Erin had to wake G-mom up to show her the latest on the blog. She said it was worth it. She enjoys seeing what the kids are doing. All the pictures are great wish we were close so we could enjoy the sun at the beach with you. G-mom thinks Ryleigh anf Kyle look alike,

SES said...

I can still see your last name... =)

Anonymous said...

Great memories at that awesome beach for us, too! I love driving through the palm trees to get there and feeling like you are in the jungle while you're enjoying an ocean!! Very unique! At least there's an ocean for you in NC, too! AND- a sister!!

Christian said...

Pretty cool to be in the paper! So, your paper published Aiden's last name to everyone in town, but you erased it so the short list of invited blog readers can't see it? =) I'll remember it in just a second...

Erin said...

Very funny.... It is not on private right now, cause Jas was having trouble viewing it at work. I'm just covering my bases, being a responsible mom! :)