Sunday, December 14, 2008

Making Pies

Ryleigh really has become my shadow. Making every move I make, copying everything I say, wanting to do everything I do. She pulls a chair up to the counter to help with every meal, dish washing, counter wiping thing I try to accomplish. She helps me make beds, do laundry, clean etc., etc. She cheerfully says "I helpu mommy!" When I say "thank you" she says "welcume!" With her happy, helpful spirit it is hard to get frustrated, but I do when I am in a hurry or have to accomplish something in a timely manner. But, I am trying to let her be a part of all I do when she wants to, maybe this will keep the love of helpfulness alive?? I love having a little girl! On Thanksgiving I let her help me make pies. And with the leftover dough, let her make her own cinnamon and sugar pie (video below -be sure to pause music on right side to watch video). I think this created a lifelong love of baking! She woke up the next morning and the first words out of her mouth were "I wanta make a pie". So to appease her, since I can't make pie dough everyday, I gave her some frozen cookie dough I had and a rolling pin and let her make "pies" to her hearts content. Well, she tasted the "pies" of course and discovered it was cookie dough! The pictures below tell the story of her new obsession with cookie dough. I came downstairs one day to find this:

A chair pulled up the freezer and the door wide open.
An empty cookie dough container.
A little girl eating the whole entire tub of cookie dough!
She dressed herself that morning. A summer shirt with a pair of bloomers.

Here is the pie making video. Enjoy! :)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha I love that she kept eating the butter!! That was so cute! She really has quite the vocabulary!

Vicki & Bruce said...

Keep it up and one day you will have her cooking and baking ALL the meals-if the love lasts that long! Pretty soon they don't consider it fun when they HAVE to do it!

Anonymous said...

Erin I love your header. Very well done.