Thursday, July 23, 2009

Creek fun

Since we took the kids photos at a park that had a creek, keeping the kids out of the creek while we did pictures was another big challenge. We promised them after we were done they could get in and have fun. They did just that. :) I tried to keep them from getting totally soaked. Not that I minded them getting wet, but I could just hear the moans of how cold they were on the way home.

No moaning going on right now.

Skipping rocks is one of the boys favorite things to do. Or should I say throwing rocks? Wonder how many times that day I said "Don't throw the rocks!"

Looks like he was really listening. For the record, Aimee was taking these pictures, so I wasn't telling him not to throw rocks and taking pictures of him doing it at the same time. :) Aimee caught these photos of Kyle and Allie. Love them!

Going all the way. Forget just getting your feet wet.

These pictures just say summer time memories to me! I think we did a good job of creating some great memories this summer.