Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last week of training....Final Drill

Reporting to the head Drill Master on "game day" of Final Drill.
Jason, in front of his platoon, ready for the Final Drill performance. Jason is know throughout the island for his cadence. They call him the only white boy with soul. :) The DI's you see walking around the platoon are also Drill Masters, they will evaluate the platoon's every move as they preform Final Drill. The head Drill Master will be evaluating Jason. Jason's platoon came in 2nd out of 5 platoons. I don't really like going to Final Drill, cause it is so stressful! I think most of the time I am more nervous than Jason. You can feel the tension and competition in the air. You could cut it with a knife!

We have finally arrived at the last week of the training cycle. Only three more training days, then family day on Thursday and Graduation Friday. This has been a good cycle, with duty only every 5 nights, as opposed to the regular 3, due to smaller winter platoons and more DI's on each team. Next cycle, the summer cycles, the platoons will be large with smaller teams of DI's and duty more often. Combine that with the sweltering SC heat and humidity, it will be a long summer. But, it is our last push, only one more to go. We have made it to the end. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Here is another little glimpse of the DI world. This video made by a friend of ours in 3rd Battalion (Jason's Bn.)


Erin said...

i have missed your blog so much!! it's so good to catch up on ya'll, and i'm sorry that we haven't chatted more! we miss seeing ya'll so much! we just got high speed internet on friday, so life is much better!! so glad to see that graduation is on the horizon and ya'll can enjoy some downtime! please tell jason hi, and i'll call you this week!! xoxoxo,

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool Jason! I didn't know that you had soul, that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

We're so proud of you, Jason! I know it's been a long, difficult ordeal, but I think you & Erin are much stronger people for it!

Chris and Michelle said...

Cool video!!

Anonymous said...

That video was awesome. I really like the song, I'm going to google it after I leave this comment. Jason looks like such a badass. Have you seen the YouTube video by Lizzie Palmer? You should check it out if you get a chance, it's called something like "I will Remember" or something along those lines. Its really moving, she's only 15 years old.