Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pretty Girl!

This family is crazy about our youngest member! She must feel so loved having so many people doting on her all day. The boys act like they haven't seen her in days when she wakes up from her (extremely short) naps. Here is some of the cute pictures we have taken of her in the last few days.

She took her first step yesterday and two more today!! AHHH! :) My dreams of a laid back child are now officially over. I thought she would sit and look at books, aren't we all supposed to have at least one like that? :) She learned to clap today and she was really proud of herself, clapping at everything. She also loves to wave, hug her baby doll, climb steps, and give high fives. She is eating solid foods now and gets really mad at you when you are eating something and don't share. :) The boys praise everything she does, so I am sure she will be walking soon, since they make a big deal over everything she does.

P.S. - Alex, I did this late for you so you would have something to read tomorrow morning! :)


Holly said...

Hey guys! She is gorgeous! Good thing she has two older brothers to beat the boys off later. =) I've been keeping up with your blog and I love it. Sorry I'm just now commenting. The pictures and stories are so fun. Brings back great memories of growing up with 5 brothers. Ryleigh is one blessed little girl. Oh, and I'm so glad Aiden's ordeal is over. Been praying for you all. Love, Holly

Anonymous said...

Thank you Erin. :)

Vicki & Bruce said...

Love that face AND that baby! Can't wait til you guys come up in a few weeks! Sure you don't want to wean her and let her stay, too?

girlebert said...

Oh my gosh girl. She is GORGEOUS. What a doll face!! I can't believe how fast they change~~ Orianna is really scooting around now. She is "crawling" all over the place. Need to buy a baby gate for the basement stairs!! Would love to see you in person. If you wanna come to Ontario Canada let me know!!! Would love to catch up with ya!!

Anonymous said...

wow, she's going to be running soon i'm sure. joey took his first steps a wee or so later. guess they're going to early walkers. sorry. i know you wanted her to stick to crawling for years. ;-)

Unknown said...

She is adorable!!! Kaylee was here yesterday and enjoyed the pool for the first time. She loved it but got scared when Bryan and Jesse went under the water and would start crying. Jesse said it was a giant people eating bathtub to her.