Happy Birthday Mom!! Wish I could be there so I could make it special for you like you always did for us. I plan to carry on all your traditions you started with me for our kids birthdays. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do for me and all of us kids. You are very loved by us all and we are grateful for you and that God choose you to be our mom. I KNOW my kids are glad that you are their Mom-mom!! Each year they will learn more and more how lucky they are. Hope you had a great day!
With lots of love,
Erin, Jason, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh
Glad you chose the shortened version, Erin! You have way too much to do to try and find pictures, scan them and post them all! And this Happy Birthday message is way sufficient! I appreciate your kind words. I LOVE being your mom and A, K & R's mom-mom! No greater honor!
P.S. Of course, I love being Mom to the others and Mom-mom to A & A, too! And while you all were here for Christmas, my birthday was celebrated by drywalling my living room! That counts even til NEXT Christmas! I appreciate it SO much!
Happy Birthday Mrs. A!
New post, please-tired of clicking to your blog and seeing my picture!
=) you are so funny! Your posts always make me laugh. What a fun family! I remember one of my brothers "sleep peeing". I think it was in the trash can in our kitchen. haha.
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