Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Twas the week after the holidays.......

Getting back into the swing of things after 3 weeks of vacation is almost not worth the vacation. Last Monday loomed with more dread than a dental appointment. It went as bad as I expected, maybe it was bad because I knew it would be, but for whatever the reason, Monday was just the beginning. Aiden, who up to this point has LOVED school, was not happy about returning. Kyle and Ryleigh caught the spirit and suddenly hated the gym daycare. Each day when I would pick them up I would hear comments about Ryleigh like "Wow, you need an espresso to keep up with that one....." or "If you see her in a walker (mind you she has been walking since she was 9 months old...) you know we just couldn't keep up with her anymore." I saw her in the walker a lot....... Of course they were not telling me anything I don't know, after all I am her mother. :) She gets in to more trouble than the boys combined. How, I don't know, because they do a darn good job of getting into trouble themselves. They kept us hopping last week with things like: cleaning pee off every surface of a bathroom (someone, we won't mention names - must have been "sleep peeing" - never knew this could happen, but I find pee in very strange places), scrubbing PILES of toothpaste off bathroom surfaces (who knew that stuff got so hard if left for a day or two??), corralling them all three running naked around the house after escaping the bathroom, waking up to toy helicopters stuck to your back, stepping on Marine guys (you probably know them as Army men) every time we turned around, trying to keep a certain little guy from throwing up every vegetable you put in his mouth, or cleaning up the throw up since we don't always succeed. I could go on and on but, as usual I have been working on this blog for days, so I think I will just close and publish before another holiday rolls around.... :)

The other night we were attacked by some pirates!!

They took over the whole living room......

The creator of the fierce battle

A few guys tried to escape to the outside world by hiding in the diaper bag, but I found them. :)

Her new favorite past time, putting on mommies undergarments! ;-)

Yeah, he has mischief written ALL over him.

Hey Grandmom, we hope this post helps you feel better!! Get better soon!!


Anonymous said...

Ryleigh was so funny in all these pictures. Aiden and Kyle were so fun with me and Josh. Thanks for coming. I had a great time with you guys.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey said the above.

Vicki & Bruce said...

Love those pirates hanging around! Shows real imagination! Guess it is hard to get back into the swing of school when you have all those neat Christmas toys back home! But as much as he loves learning, he'll be back in the school thing soon! We're having a hard time, too!

Brian and Jen said...

I think the adjustment is hard for everyone... Moms too! :) That's about how our weeks have been, but add the time change and two kids not sleeping during the night or else waking up very early! Ahh! It's getting better though. :)

Holly said...

oops, that last comment was meant for this post...lol. Sorry. Happy Birthday Mrs. A! There, you can switch them. =) by the way, I love Ryleigh's outfit. My Mom couldn't keep clothes on me at that age. I think I spent the better part of the first three years in my unders...or Mom's slip. =P