I hope no one fell off their chair when they checked my blog and found a new post. I apologize for any injuries that occurred. :) That is if anyone is even checking any more. I have been getting complaints about my lack of blogging, but it can't be helped. Our life is just one big ball of insanity and I have found that blogging and insanity don't really go well together. One day we will live a somewhat normal life again and I will resume my blogging. Who knows when that will be, but I have faith that it will happen at some point! We are still in PA, still juggling living with family, still only get to see Jason once a week, and still wondering where we are going to be moving next. I have tried my best to keep our kids and myself out of every ones hair, but I am sure everyone is as anxious as we are to get settled again! We are very grateful for our families, giving us a place to stay during this transition. They might all be regretting their generosity at this point, but they are being gracious and not saying anything! We did sell our house, but it did not come without crazy circumstances. I don't know how many times I heard "I have never seen this happen!" From lawyers, to contractors, to real estate agents. But, I am not going to blog about that, it is behind us now (well almost) and I just want to forget about it all. In this declining market we are counting our blessing that we didn't have to PAY to get rid our house, which many people we know have had to do. Enjoy the pictures, it may be months before you see more! :)
Fun at the creek!
Kyle throwing a stick for Beast
Climbing a tree, second nature to the boys and Ryleigh always tries to follow suit. Whenever I tell the boys not to climb something their response is: "Mom, we are monkeys, we have to climb"
Katie and Ryleigh sharing a moment. :)
Kyle in his natural habitat, a tree.
More creek fun.

Celebrating Ashleigh's 21st birthday!
Around here wearing a batters helmet to eat cake really isn't that bad of an idea, you never know when someone could hit you in the head. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
The ultimate slip and slide! Josh and Lydia made this great slip and slide at their house and the kids have had hours of fun on it this summer.

All wrapped up after a swim in the pool.
Yummy, Auntie Liz makes great icing!
"Helping" Liz bake. Ryleigh adores Liz and won't let her out of her sight when she is around.
Cell phone overload!! Ryleigh is completely hooked on cell phones. And there are plenty to find at moms. She is in heaven when she finds a bunch together.
Aimee and Kyle hamming it up for the camera.
Here they are "pounding it". Something he learned from his skateboard instructor.
Hope everyone is doing well!!