Sunday, January 25, 2015

Homeschooling: Day 1

We took a new step (cross that, leap off the Empire State Building) and decided to homeschool the kids while we lived in Hawaii.  I look back on this decision and wonder if I was under some sort of influence.  The people I talked to made it seem so easy, like a wonderful experience that I was going to be privileged to be a part of.  I started thinking I could actually do it.   I filled out the necessary paperwork, ordered the curriculum, bought a planner, white boards and sharpened pencils.  Then we actually had to start......  And it became a reality that I was going to be with my children all day, everyday for YEARS.  And I had to teach them MATH.  

 Day one was all smiles, for an hour or two.  I didn't take pictures of me googling their math problems or them crying over how many spelling words our curriculum had.

Nothing has challenged me more than homeschooling.   I feel like a failure every single day.   I strongly believe that no one in the homeschooling community tells you the truth.  It's hard.   Like super, DUPER hard.  Like cry in your closet hard.  BUT, we have made it through 89 days of school and we are all still alive.  What doesn't kill you right??