Aiden at one of his football games this fall. This was his first year playing football and it was flag. He was very disappointed that it wasn't tackle, but that does not start until next year. He seemed to have fun, especially when they would win, which was only about half of the time..... I enjoyed watching him play. I was not too fond of the 3 practices a week and early morning Saturday games. But the future does not look much better, so I just better suck it up.
Jason and I at the ball. Red eyes and all. You think I am actually going to take the time and edit it??? Our ball was over 2 hours away this year so we had to stay the night. With no family around I didn't think we were going to be able to go. Not too easy to find someone willing to watch 3 kids for 24 hours. But, we have been blessed with AWESOME neighbors/friends and between a few families they took them for us and we got to have a 24 hour date.

Halloween. Again with our awesome neighbors. Here we are craving pumpkins in the street. Fun times. :)
Unfortunately this did not really keep them contained....
This was short and sweet. But now on to help Aiden do a research paper. Yes, I said a research paper in 2nd grade. We get to do it on poster board so that makes it more elementary.