You would think that with Jason gone I would have lots and lots of extra time in the evening to devote to doing things like updating my blog. That does not seem to be the case. My blog is not getting updated and, well, I am not doing anything in the evenings that requires me to get up off the sofa! Take a look at the three munchkins in the above picture and you will know why. Yeah, they are keeping me a little busy, yes, they are driving me a little crazy and yes, I could be losing my mind........ No, it really hasn't been too bad (well, sometimes it has) :)!
Ryleigh turned 18 months about a week ago. She started going through the "terrible twos" a few months ago and if I remember correctly from with the boys, we have a ways to go. As far as I can tell the boys could still be going through the "terrible twos"! She is really starting to talk and that is so much fun. Her cute little voice seems to help balance out the times when she is screaming for something or climbing everything in the house. From the looks of these pictures you would think that she is a sweet little girl that sits and reads books all day. This is NOT so. :)
She is starting to like books though and will let you read a short one to her. She also is starting to get books on her own and "read" them. You can hear her when she has a book just chatting away.
A couple of weeks ago we went to a birthday party at an art studio. Only Ryleigh and Aiden are in this picture because Kyle was crying behind me. The crying has something to do with me getting everyone out of the car (or so I thought) and then starting to walk away. Apparently I did not get everyone out of the car and Kyle was left behind for a mere minute. This of course traumatized him and ruined the birthday party. By the time Kyle calmed down and stopped hanging on me, Ryleigh had ruined her entire outfit with pink non washable paint. This experience for Kyle will probably come out in therapy in about 20 years.
Kyle and Daddy on his last day home. We had a hot chocolate party in the living room with him while Ryleigh was napping and Aiden was at school.
This is the view I see a lot of, Ryleigh crying at my feet...... See how she has two pacifiers? She always has to have a spare. She won't go to bed unless she has two.
Kyle giving Ryleigh a ride in her baby doll stroller. He races her back and forth and she loves it.
I really have no idea what the boys are doing in this picture. All I remember is they asked me to take their picture.....

Daddy brushing Ry's teeth. Don't you love the face? She loves to brush her teeth! If you can't find her and someone has left the bathroom door open, you will find her in the sink, brushing her teeth. Sometimes the water is on, sometimes it's not, but usually she is wet and sticky!
Daddy brushing Ry's teeth. Don't you love the face? She loves to brush her teeth! If you can't find her and someone has left the bathroom door open, you will find her in the sink, brushing her teeth. Sometimes the water is on, sometimes it's not, but usually she is wet and sticky!
Cute, Cute!! Ryleigh is such a ham! :)
So funny! Love the video. Her and Joey say words alike. The "nnnnnnOOO" is very similar.
Sorry it's taken so long to look at the pictures of my adorable grandkids! Ryleigh is so much fun to watch! Know G-Mom & G-Dad are enjoying the little show, too!
"Say doo-doo!" Haha. :-)
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