That grin says it all, that is Kyle, captured in a photo.

Kyle with his new board, on his birthday.

Our adventurous little guy turned 4 years old on March 31st. It is hard for Jason and I to see them grow up so fast, yet we are having fun watching them grow and enjoying each stage. 3 was a fun year with Kyle, though not without its many challenges. Kyle is a very determined young man. While this really helps him in conquering any challenge that lies before him, it also sometimes makes meal time, bedtime, bath time or anytime a challenge for me! :) We have had many a battle! Kyle is loving, sweet and sensitive. He is the first one to
Ryleigh when she falls, helping her up and soothing her with his cute little voice. Last week when I got the news of my
grandmoms death, I was visibly upset. Kyle came right to my side and started stroking my arm, patting my leg and saying
"It's OK mommy". He didn't leave my side until he knew I was
OK. He makes us smile daily with the funny things he says, gives us daily heart attacks with the crazy stunts he pulls. He is tough and brave. Most of the injuries he gets would have other kids out for the rest of the week. Kyle jumps back up before you even have time to see what happened. I think he is afraid that if he admits he is hurt, we will take away his skateboard, bike, ramps etc...! We will forever be grateful that God decided to place Kyle in our family!

Kyle asked for a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing and chocolate ice cream for his birthday. A boy after my own heart! He wanted to help make it, but when he saw how long it was going to take, he decided he just wanted me to call him when it was time to put the sprinkles on. I by no means claim to be a cake decorator, but Kyle thought it was awesome! :)
One happy birthday boy.

Kyle is still taking skateboarding lessons and loves it more every week.

Kyle with his instructor, Justin.
Kyle cruising across the skate park. :)
Happy Birthday Buddy!
Sweet new skateboard, Kyle!! Now you can do "cool stuff" like Justin! :) Happy Birthday!!
So proud of him. Next is coming home with a girl's phone number from the skate-park.....Love you so, my little Wren.....Jas
Happy Birthday again, Kyle! Your present is at my house waiting for you when you come in 2 weeks! Can't wait!
Happy Birthday Kyle! Not to sound like a worried Mom, but that helmet looks like it could be cinched down/adjusted a bit. The back's covered, but any face-first fall is gonna hurt!
happy birthday buddy! thats an awesome new skateboard! love you lots see you in a couple weeks!
Happy Birthday Kyle. That ia a cool skate board. Your birthday present is in the mail. Hope you will share with Aiden.
G-dad Aubrey
Such a handsome and athletic young man!!
Maybe if his hair was cut a little shorter the head gear would work better and you would not have to worry about an injury to the face. I find it the skate boarder has to long of hair it interferes with the protection of head gear
Thanks guys for your concern on Kyle's safty, but I am not going to cut his hair! :) I do my best to protect them and leave the rest in God's hands.....
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