I started out doing a collage for Kyle for his birthday with some of his soccer pictures. Well, it took way longer than I thought it would and then I thought I should do one for the other two, but it took me weeks before I got back around to making theirs. Then I just didn't have the time, so theirs ended up being only 2 pictures instead of 4. So, no favoritism here, just time hacks! :)

You can click on them to view them larger.

Hope you enjoyed!
Very cute! Good job!
I love the one of Ryleigh on the right side of her collage. Too cute!
oh my word way to cute! :)
Ditto to Michelle's comment. Ryleigh looks like she is modeling or something, J.Crew Crewcuts ad?
Thought at first that you had really made collages for your wall! Ryleigh does look like a model! Can't wait to see you all again soon! IT's been WAY TOO long! I heard that song on the radio the other day and it reminded me of you and Jason and I wanted to call and tell you about it, but I didn't know who it was singing! So funny to open your blog and hear it!
Oh I miss you guys!! They are all so photogenic!! You should put them in modeling :)
Hey Erin! Love the collages!
I'm enjoying Beaufort so far! We ended up moving to Cottage Walk Circle on Ladies Island. Corinne was AWESOME, I can't thank you enough for the reco.
I'll be posting pictures of our house soon so check back!
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