I had good intentions of getting Christmas cards out this year. Even took the photos weeks in advance. I actually "made" the cards on Shutterfly, but couldn't make up my mind on which ones I wanted and couldn't decide on the photos. We didn't really get a good family one, but got some great ones of the kids. Jason didn't want to send one of just the kids, I didn't want to do what we did last year and have separate pictures......so we didn't make a decision. Then on December 12th I got sick. And stayed very sick until just a few days before Christmas. When you are laying on the sofa, sick as a dog, with 3 kids running around doing
whatever they please, your husband is gone for 10 days and you can't see the floor from the mess, Christmas cards kind of get knocked off the list. :) Here are some of the ones of the kids we were considering. I think this first one shows their personalities so well. Kyle - happy go lucky, Ryleigh - goof ball, always hamming it up, Aiden - serious first born. :)

I love this one too!

And this one!

Aiden is looking a little goofy here....

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!! Thanks to everyone who did send us a card, sorry we didn't respond with one! Maybe my New Years Resolution will be to update my blog regularly. :)