Waking up in paradise comes early. Like 4 am early. With no a/c at our "resort" ( I use that term very, very loosely) the windows were open and even if we hadn't woken up early because of jet lag we would have by 5 am due to the birds. Who knew birds in Hawaii were so loud? Maybe because there is so many of them? Maybe because we are used to our windows closed in the summer with our a/c blasting and we don't notice? Who knows. I only know that I haven't slept much since we moved here because the birds are so loud and I swear the sun rises earlier and it is brighter. Not to mention the chickens. There are chickens everywhere in Hawaii. And I mean everywhere. In the Walmart parking lot, in our hotel parking lot, along the highways, in our backyard. There is a very confused rooster who lives in our backyard who wakes you up at the crack of dawn and continues to crow for hours. Sometimes he stops, for a bit, just enough for you to fall back to sleep, then he remembers his job and gets back to it, loudly. Kyle says he has figured out how to shut him up. He says you have to go look at him in the eye so he knows you are awake then he will shut up. So a few mornings I have seen a sleepy eyed Kyle walk outside and stare into the backyard. "Our" rooster also crows in the afternoon and the evening. He apparently doesn't want us to miss out on only hearing that cock-a-doodle-doo in the wee hours of the morning. How considerate of him.
On our first day we also discovered the painful truth of how expensive Hawaii really is. (And yes Jason was back from a trip to the grocery store by 6:20 am - those roosters don't fool around) You are looking at $44 worth of groceries. Ouch.
Our "resort" was small, but clean and a place to call home as we navigated our new state. It had gorgeous mountain views and was just steps away from the water. We got on each others nerves a lot being so packed into a small space and were all grumpy because of lack of sleep, but every problem was a first world problem and we tried to remind ourselves of that daily.Kyle was not happy about the idea of taking a picture and it is written all over his face. We really are such horrible parents, taking our kids down to the beach and making them pose for a picture. Somehow he made it through this trial and lived to see another day.