Aiden started soccer last night. He was so excited. They pretty much just let them kick the ball around and tried to teach them the basics. Next week they actually play a game. That should be interesting. Some of the kids wouldn't even play they were just laying in the grass looking up at the sky. :) But, Aiden was totally into it, he didn't like having to give up the ball. He did a great job of not touching the ball with his hands and went to great lengths not to do so. When a ball would be stuck in the net, he would be trying to maneuver it out with his feet. His team is called the Dragonflies and their color is blue. They get their official shirts next week for the game. Wednesday night when we were putting the boys to bed Aiden asked if Ryleigh was going to come watch him play soccer. I said she was and that we would all be there. He said "But, Ryleigh won't know which one is me." I said "Don't worry I will show her where you are." He said "But, you won't know which one is me either. I got a great idea mom." Then he holds up his wrist and in an excited voice says "I will wear by Batman watch so you all can find me!" Keeping Kyle off the field was the challenge of the night. He was not happy that he couldn't play too. I guess we need to get him in some sort of sport soon. Today I found him playing "golf" with my soup ladle and a tomato. Next week we will have highlights from the big game, "Dragonflies vs. Grasshoppers"!!