Ice cream - our kids LOVE it. Yeah, I know all kids love ice cream, but our kids are crazy about it. I think they inherited that "love ice cream gene" from my mom. The other night we went to Rita's after Joe's game, a favorite place for the whole family. Aiden was eating his custard and said "This is the best day of my life!" Kyle piped in "Yeah, this is my best day in my whole world!" They had had ice cream three times that weekend.

Sand - another love of our kids. They loved living near the beach and having the beach as a very large sandbox! They would dig for literally hours and hours. Now that we are up north they kind of have to settle for something a bit smaller, but they still dig for hours. This weekend they were making a play ground for ants. I am sure the ants were grateful and had a great time.

Caitie keeps score and the kids went down to hang out with her on the bench. I have no idea how she kept score with them firing their usual 2,000 questions a minute at her, but somehow she seemed to keep up. (or maybe that is why we were so far ahead that last game.....) :)

I love to read your blog, so keep the pictures coming. The other day I was on the phone with Michelle and she asked me if I had seen her latest update, my reply "Michelle, I check it EVERY morning." I check it so much now that it doesn't matter if I'm not home, I have your webaddresses memorized, and really Erin all I need is yours because you are linked to everyone else. :)
i agree with alex! i love checking out the blogs! i have more time now(now that i can check them at work) at home a computer is never open! :) Who cares that you guys are here for the summer, I still enjoy reading about my family! ;)
Great job Erin. You always have cute pictures of the little ones. Oh how g-mom enjoyed all of your bloggs,also g-dad too. Keep them comming.
wish we could have been at the game! i love softball! :)
erin, i love reading your blog and hope you keep the pics coming! i check everyday (sometimes more than once) to see what is new with all the fam in pa. :)
AHHH, yes, "Cream" as Kaylee calls it. We made some homemade choc chip cookie dough last weekend for Melissa's birthday. Kaylee called us outside to "sit" so she could go from lap to lap when she finished hers. Gotta admit that is smart! She is coming here today to stay for a few days while mom and dad vacation in Cancun! I will have to look for my running shoes. Do you think I will have time to take pictures? Still praying for your house to sell, Sharon
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