The kids were thrilled last week to see the carnival grounds being set up. Our town in the south did not have a carnival and they had not been to one since we lived in PA over 4 years ago. So of course Kyle did not remember it and Aiden only barely did. But thanks to cartoons, they knew what to expect! :)
They loved watching their cotton candy being made and then of course eating it!! I only got two and made the boys share with Ryleigh and she was not shy about taking some. She would grab handfuls that of course made the boys a little upset, but it's good for them, teaches them to share. :)
"Who me??" She always looks so innocent. Those that know her, know this to be very untrue!

The kids with Aunt Liz and Aunt Lindsey. Kyle of course showing his great personality. :) He is definitely turning out to be the ham of the family.
Kyle walking with Uncle Josh through the carnival grounds.
Ryleigh's first ride on the Merry Go Round. She LOVED it. She climbed right on and laughed and giggled the whole time. This is right before it started. I don't think she knew what was going to happen.

They loved watching the Ferris Wheel. They wanted to go on, but I told them we had to wait and do it with Daddy sometime. I am not crazy about heights, so I had to come up with some excuse!

The kids with Aunt Liz and Aunt Lindsey. Kyle of course showing his great personality. :) He is definitely turning out to be the ham of the family.

They loved watching the Ferris Wheel. They wanted to go on, but I told them we had to wait and do it with Daddy sometime. I am not crazy about heights, so I had to come up with some excuse!

Why is a carnival so much fun with kids and not fun at all with just adults? By the way, I love the ferris wheel, but don't rock it too hard. : )
Looks so fun...can't wait to be in PA soon and do cool things like go to carnivals! :)
Carnivals bring back great memories! Too bad we're in NC during Mt. Airy's carnival. Ashleigh was born during that week! Love that ferris wheel picture!
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