I remember the moment I found out I was expecting Ryleigh. If I am being honest, I would admit that I was scared out of my wits. Our boys were ALL boy and very young. By the time this baby came around I would have 3 children, all under the age of 4. Now I know others have had more in a shorter period of time, but I was still overwhelmed!! :) I remember telling Jason that if it was another boy, I might need to be medicated. :) I dreamed of having a little girl, thinking she would be quiet and easy. She would sit, she would not pick up bugs, she wouldn't spit. We had kept the sex of the baby a surprise with Aiden and Kyle. This time I wanted to know, I needed to be prepared. The time came to find out if we were going to have another boy swinging from the bed posts and watching cartoons on their heads. As you all know, it was a girl! I was beyond thrilled. A girl to dress up and to balance out the crazy boys..... Fast forward two years and the story does not turn out like I expected. Does it ever? :) I have my girl to dress up, and I do, but does she sit? No. Does she pick up bugs? Yes, and brings them to me. Does she spit? Yep. Right along with the boys. She gives them a run for their money.
Here she is showing us that she is indeed a girl, despite the things she does. She is constantly getting into someones makeup. I am constantly telling the girls to put it up, but she finds it. She has the right idea, mascara does go on your face. At least this time that is the only place she put it. The day before, we weren't so lucky....
She is absolutely, 100%, hands down, completely a daddy's girl. She adores him. The way she hugs his neck and takes his face into her hands to kiss him is precious.
Here she is at McDonald's sporting her play socks. (They wouldn't let you in the play area without socks) I have to stay completely on top of her in public places with other children. I was sitting in the Dr.'s waiting room with her this week and two little boys came in and sat down near us. They were about Aiden and Kyle's age and she just went right over to them and started treating them like she does her brothers. I had to keep moving her she was being such a bully. Guess we won't have to worry about her later on in life! Or so we hope.
She is quite a handful. But her grin, laugh, sweet little voice, hugs and kisses make her stubborn little spirit bearable!
As for the boys, as I watch them I shouldn't be surprised the way Ryleigh acts. She only copies what she sees. And she sees plenty! Why shouldn't she spit when she sees the boys in the car having spitting contests at each other. Don't all kids do that in the car? (Never mind don't answer that question)
Kyle's fall to death is rather impressive.
I would have picked the soft grass to land in, not concrete. But that would be too pleasant.
Attack! I always get hurt when I sword fight with them. They play to hurt. Not just for fun.

I love this picture. Reminds me of "The Last of the Mohican's" or something. He is very serious about whatever game he is playing.

I think they were discussing their tactics here. :)

I was listening to someone talk about some little boys the other day. They sounded so good. They always ate, they sat still when supposed to, they didn't touch the things they weren't supposed to touch. I remember feeling very discouraged at that moment. I don't think our boys (or crazy little girl) are bad, but I don't think anyone would ever describe them the way these children were described. But, I have decided that is Ok. They keep life very interesting and unpredictable. I don't think I would have it any other way. ;-) Or at least most days......

I was listening to someone talk about some little boys the other day. They sounded so good. They always ate, they sat still when supposed to, they didn't touch the things they weren't supposed to touch. I remember feeling very discouraged at that moment. I don't think our boys (or crazy little girl) are bad, but I don't think anyone would ever describe them the way these children were described. But, I have decided that is Ok. They keep life very interesting and unpredictable. I don't think I would have it any other way. ;-) Or at least most days......
I agree! Boys should be boys-and all that goes with it! Wild at heart! I might not say that after babysitting them and Ryleigh this week!
This made me laugh and smile and cringe at what I might need to worry about in the future... you are such a good storyteller, Erin. :) Can't wait to see you guys soon.
Great pics! :)
Glad you guys are here and looking forward to our week at the beach! :)
I love their creative play! After having 4 of my own and teaching kindergarten and now preschool, I would say they seem like very normal kids. The "activity" I can take. It's the whining voice with the comments like, "I don't have anything to do" that drives me crazy. Yours seem to always have PLENTY to do!
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