Monday, February 16, 2009

"I got shot."

The only explanation I have why my 2 year old little girl thinks that she got "shot" when she gets a scratch, is she probably did. From a Nerf gun, or something of the sort. She has 2 big brothers, what can I say? :) We had just dropped them off at a birthday party, so I couldn't ask them if they were the "gad (bad) guys." But since she says in the clip she says something to the fact that she lives with "gad guys" I am thinking they were the culprits! Hope it brought a smile.


Vicki & Bruce said...

It sure did bring a smile and some chuckles! Love hearing her talk so much! Looks like her imagination is in great shape! Aiden is probably seeing to that!

Earl and Gail said...

That's too funny! Is Jason asking you to stop recording? LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to see her!! Well all of you guys!!!! :)