That face right there, that smirk, he is trouble. :)

Nice big glop of it on the neck.
He threatened to throw it at me. He didn't follow through. :) Doesn't our grass look great?! We have a lot of work to do in the spring.
Why do they look at it like it is gold? Pure bliss. A wonderful discovery.
I don't know about you, but if this was in my hands, I would not be smiling.

I wasn't smiling when I was cleaning up the bathtub and their clothes afterwards either. But, boys will be boys and this mom knows that a little dirt never hurt. Though some may argue that this was more than a little dirt. :)
They'll thank you one day for letting them be boys! Makes for a great childhood memory! Maybe something good will even come of it-like they'll be sculptors or something.
ha ha! Hope you have a good hose out back. I'd be stripping them all and hosing them down before letting them inside! Did that to one of our girls when she had an explosive diaper and it worked out just fine. =)
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