Some more pics from a few days ago. Ryleigh is getting bigger by the day. Check out her checks!! :) Most people say she looks like Kyle, but I think she looks just like Aiden did when he was a baby. Kyle has started calling Ryleigh "honey". I guess he picked that up from me calling her honey. The other day I was feeding her and Kyle said
"Honeee, ou hav num-num? (his word for food)" Aiden loves to hold her. This morning he held her for over an half hour and she fell asleep. He was so proud of himself. He also sings to her, he says to put her to sleep. He sings
"Robin Hood and Little Johnny running through the forrest, laughing back and forth at what the other has to say....."
The kids are so cute! I think Ryleigh looks alot like Kyle, but everyone always has their own opinion. Talk to you later. Michelle
I think Michelle is wrong, but that's just my opinion. Others may think she's right.
=) j/k, michelle! I just found your blog...
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