Friday, August 11, 2006


Jason took the whole day off yesterday!! It was the first time he has done that (without him already having the day off) since we moved here. Of course his Drill Instructors and everyone else at work called him every 5 minutes, but at least he was home. He couldn't have taken the day off at a better time, the lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me and a morning to sleep in was just what I needed. It is so nice to wake up in the morning and the boys are dressed and fed, the beds are made and the everything is in order for the day. Don't know how I got so lucky, but I am glad I did! :)

We had a huge thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. The thunder was louder than any thunder I have ever heard. It started just as we were leaving to go pick up a movie. We were driving down the road right outside our neighborhood, which is just a tunnel of old trees with moss hanging off them and it started to get scary. We turned around to go home since limbs were falling everywhere. We made it safely back to our neighborhood and decided to take a different way out to the main road, with not as many trees around. Aiden kept saying "Lets go home." and Kyle kept answering him by saying "No!". The storm wasn't as bad further out on the island and by the time we got to the store it was just raining a little. The main road to our house was closed on the way home due to a large tree falling over the road. I guess it is a good thing we turned off that road....

In other news, our bloody nose count has been high this past week or so. I think Aiden has had 2 and Kyle at least one. Plus Kyle fell on the driveway last night as both Aiden and Kyle were going for a ball. Kyle got to it first and landed on it, but then Aiden landed on him and made Kyle eat the driveway. So he has a nice brush burn on his face. But Kyle really wouldn't look normal to us if he didn't have some sort of mark on his face. :)

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