I know, I know, a new blog two days in a row!! Don't get too excited, it won't happen again.
Here are the pictures from Jason's Family Day and Graduation last week. I think we have now been to every Family Day and Graduation the Marine Corps has to offer. Literally. But to boys seeing military trucks, helicopters and guns never gets old, so we went to the Family Day. I think I might take their pictures a little too much. Every new thing we came up to they said "Take my picture Mom!" And then when I wanted to take their pictures, like for a family photo, they would whine and whine, but smile perfectly right before the picture was taken. They are well trained. So the following pictures are just boys and things that boys love to see, but probably things that don't interest anyone else to much.....

One thing I wish I would have gotten a picture of is Aiden doing pull ups on the PT field. We had a pull up bar at our old house that he used to play around on and do pull ups. Plus Jason has been putting him on them since he could barely walk. He can actually quite impressively do a few. Dead hangs too. So when when we pulled up to the barracks and Aiden saw the pull up bars he ran to get on them. There was a whole group of Marines standing around talking. They all watched Aiden run over and pump out several pull ups. It was hysterical to watch the Marines watch him. They all were like "Oh my gosh!! Did you see that kid! He can do pull ups!" or "Hey Smith! Did you see that kid? He can do more than you!!" He was pretty impressive. :) I guess by the time he joins he will be a 300 PFTer. Below is a picture of the stud himself. :)

Ryleigh was confined to her stroller. She was not that happy about it, but she was fairly cooperative.

The Graduation. Jason received the Mustang award, I don't remember exactly what it is all about, but he was one of only 9 Marines that received awards, out of 240, so whatever it is, it is impressive. :) The picture is not that great, because I had to take it as the official photographers were taking it and just snap it the best I could, but it is really the only picture I have of the graduation, so it was this or nothing!

The family! This is the one where they were whining, but stopped long enough to give an official smile for the camera. They also were a bit antsy after sitting through a ceremony where they named 240 Marines, plus a speech from someone. The only seats I could find, even arriving 45 minutes early, where all the way in the back and smack in the center. I almost opted for standing the whole time instead of wading through tons of people and risking having to get up during the ceremony. But, I braved it and we all sat down. I prayed the entire time that no one would have to go to the bathroom, or throw up, or make a scene and I have to walk out with every eye on me. My prayers were answered! It got a little hairy towards the end, but we made it.

After being gone 11 months, he promptly assumed duty of all three. :) I haven't done bedtime since!

Jason and his dad. His mom, sisters, brother-in-law and niece came also, but I didn't get a good picture of everyone.

Ryleigh, singing in a field, waiting for daddy to get the car. :)

Afterwards, we all went out to eat. Here are the girls with Jason's mom. They wanted to be on her lap the whole time. She barely got to eat. She brought games to play and it kept them all busy the whole time. I wish she could go out to eat with us everywhere we went!

The kiddos! They are smiling this big cause we have Daddy back!!

aww... that last picture is the cutest thing ever!! I'm going to miss you guys so much when you leave :(
congrats on yet another graduation. :-) the kids look great. See ya soon!
Hey Erin good to see you back to blogging.Great pictures. Congratulations to Jason on another graduations. If he keeps on he will be smarter than Neuton the lawer. Hope to see all Friday.
I am so happy for you and jason...you are almost here! Im so excited for you all. Congrats to you! You are a strong person..
Congrats Jason on another graduation! Erin, good luck with the move. The pictures are awesome : )
Wish we could have been at this graduation too... although the last one was bittersweet, as it was our final goodbye. How sad.... When you get a chance (I'm dreaming, I know) catch me up on everything!
Love you guys!
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