Sunday, November 30, 2008

Home at last!

Well, we are finally moved in, have all our stuff under one roof again, and our whole family in the same house! After almost a year of family members and belongs being spread over 3 states, it feels very strange. Thanksgiving night we were driving home from dinner with our friends, it was dark, all three kids were cozy in the backseat and Jason was sitting beside me. We had 3 more days off to look forward to with no separation in the near future. I told Jason I felt like I was in a commercial. :) Like, "you too can be this happy if you drive this car..." Just haven't had that feeling in so long. It hasn't all been rosy though, it has also been an adjustment. I have been very independent for a very long time, going everywhere alone, making all the major decisions, from selling a house, to moving, to buying a house and everything in between. Now that Jason is a more normal part of our lives, I have had to learn to listen to his opinions and re-learn how to be a team. It is an adjustment I am happy to have to make though, and I am glad to have my partner back. It has been a long 4 1/2 years! I know lots more separation is ahead, you can't get away from it in the military, but I think we have a bit of a break ahead and I am looking forward to every minute of it. Adjustment and all!

I know family members are waiting for pictures, but one thing I can not find, and I think I left at my parents, is the camera cord to download pictures. So if you want pictures Mom, send me the cord!! :) The above picture is all I have, from when we were looking at the house and I took this picture to show Jason.


Anonymous said...

Great story Erin. Glad all are back under one roof. Looking forward to more pictures and stories soon.

girlebert said...

Yes, Good news. I am sure it is a huge adjustment. Like being newlyweds all over eh:)
Nice looking house! Can't wait to see the inside.
Take care Erin!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is FINALLY!!! So how's the car? My computer died on Sunday, not as big a deal as a car, granted I've been without mine for over two weeks, it finally starts getting worked on tomorrow. Any who, computer died, timing sucked with finals two weeks away and Christmas right around the corner. But it had to be done and now I am the proud owner of a Mac. Any way, sad I won't see you guys at Christmas but hope to see you soon after. Paul and I were going to stop by on the way back from Airborne school, he just can't get enough of the military, but I think we might be flying in and out of Georgia now. Of course, if I can't get a plane ticket down there to see his graduation, then I might be making the 12 hour trek. Love the house by the way and I can't wait to see more pictures.

Vicki & Bruce said...

When I finally go down into the basement and actually remember WHY I am down there, I will get the camera cord off the computer table! Glad you are all happy, but it is quite lonely without all those little, happy voices and no one to help me make my morning drink!