Love this face! She is 100% a stinker! She has been a challenge lately in biting her brothers (no one else so far thank God) and spitting. I told her the other day she was going to get pepper on her tongue if she kept spitting. She repeats me in everything so here is a little conversation we had the other day. ME: "Ryleigh please sit still and eat your lunch!" RY: "Mom, I going put pepper on your tongue." ME: "Ryleigh you can not talk to Mommy like that, mommy was not spitting or saying anything bad." RY: (totally ignoring me and putting her hand to her ear like she is on the phone) "Yes Daddy, Mommy needs pepper on her tongue." ME: I don't remember what I said - I was just trying not to laugh! RY: "Ok Daddy. Bye. (puts down her pretend hand like she is hanging up a phone) Mommy, Daddy said you need pepper on your tongue." She definitely keeps us smiling around here.
The three stinkers.

A moment of sibling love caught between Ryleigh and Kyle. This was not staged. I was in the kitchen and looked out to see them sitting like this on the deck. I ran outside and caught the moment! Even though she bites and spits at her brothers she adores them! She says with pride "I got 2 brufers" and holds up 2 fingers.
Aiden - our little man. I wish I would have known that 2 is not the only terrible age. It seems 7 is the magic one for Aiden. He has always been a headstrong little guy (I admit he gets it quite honestly from both of his parents) and as he gets older he is using that stubborn streak more and more. He keeps Jason and I on our toes in the parenting department. Thank God Jason stands behind me, I don't know how I would do it without his support. I just hope we can direct his strong willed spirit into the right direction. But on the whole he is a sweet boy. His hugs are amazing and he has such a huge love for all of us and everyone in our family. He started flag football last week and he loves it! Glad to find a sport he enjoys, he wasn't really into soccer.
My boys. Fishing and hunting is in their blood and they LOVE it!

Enjoying their packed lunch and coke, and extreme rare treat. These boys do not need caffeine.

Home and showing me what they caught. Usually they do catch and release, but Jason told them they had to catch dinner that night. So they brought home a few sun fish.
I love all the pics and the stories! Never apologize for telling stories! :)
Enjoyed all the up dates Erin.
Where does Jason go for 2wks.?
Wish i was closer i would come down and keep you company.
Erin, I have been waiting for you to update your blog. I love all the pic's and great stories. I hope the doc's are close to having a solution for Kyle's achy stomach. He is such a sweet guy. I love all the photo's,especially the one you got on the back deck. Great castle/fort guys !! Have fun playing football Aiden. The fish looks delicious, nice job boys !!
Keep on writing those stories....Love, Aunt Debbie
awww...I loved this post. I miss you, jason and the kids so much. I wish you guys lived closer to me, you wouldn't be able to get rid of me. :)
Love you all!
The stories are my favorite part-but of course I LOVE the pictures, too! Those faces are just adorable! Miss having you all here after being together so much last year! Can't wait til Christmas! Get to see those faces in person and hear those cute little voices! Not to mention yours and Jasons!!
Time for a new update. We miss hearing about your family and the fun you all have.
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