It was a nice warm day of 73 degrees when we went to get our tree! Nothing says time to pick out the tree like shorts and flip flops. :)

Kyle played with his action figure while we debated on which tree to get. He also kept hiding the toy in trees and getting upset when we couldn't find it. As we were leaving it fell out of our tree and someone pointed it out to me as we were walking out the door.

We found it!! Aiden wanted to get a white tree. I told him they don't sell those. He said
"Yes, they do, I saw them at Wal-Mart!" Sorry buddy, not this year (or ever). :)

I think this is when Kyle put his toy in the tree.
Apparently my children did not get the memo that this is the season to be JOLLY. Aiden and Kyle fought all week. Ryleigh, who was sick all last week with a sinus infection, is better, but extremely spoiled from being held for 5 days. She thinks my arms are her new permanent home. She had a wake up call on Saturday morning. :( It was just a weekend that matched the week. Everyday the kids woke up in a bad mood. How do they do that after getting almost 12 hours of sleep?? I believe it was from something called "too much grandmoms". But things took a turn for the better Sunday afternoon when we announced we were going to get the Christmas tree. Suddenly the Christmas spirit filled the air and we had very happy, cooperative children. Maybe it will last the whole time the tree is up! Wishful thinking, I know. We headed out to the tree lot to pick out our tree, we pulled up, looked at the price tags for just the smallest tree and decided to go to Lowes. :) Lowes had great prices and beautiful trees. Of course the boys were more into trying to get the penny's out of the fountains then pick out a tree, but we had fun.

Sitting quietly, eating cookies. This lasted, I'd say, about 1.5 seconds.

I let the kids pick out the Christmas tree decorating cookies (an Aguilar tradition, along with egg nog!), I usually like to get Christmas looking cookies, but this is what they wanted!

Ryleigh LOVED the singing penguins and snowman from Aunt Debbie! This provided brief sitting down time for Ryleigh at different intervals throughout the day.
Ryleigh enjoyed getting into all the decorations.
And of course we have the normal craziness with the boys. Because we all know that Christmas ribbon is used to tie your brother up and drag around the house.
More pictures later, Ryleigh is screaming at the top of her lungs at my feet! :)