This handsome young man turns 80 years old today! Happy Birthday Granddad!! I know you don't like to make a big deal out of birthdays, but I hope your day is special in some way. You and
grandmom always did a lot for our birthdays growing up and helped make each memory a good one. I have many great memories with you throughout my childhood and thanks to you I can rake leaves and wax buses with the best of them!! :) I hope I am as active as you are when I am 80, you are the poster boy for your age! We look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks!! Lots of love, Erin, Jason,
Aiden, Kyle and
What a neat picture-never saw it before! Do Jeff or I look at all like him? Happy Birthday, Dad, again!
Happy Birthday G-dad!! :)
Erin, still waiting for pics of your Christmas tree! :)
Where did you get that horable picture? I thought I had burned all of them.
I like that picture of you, Aubrey Glen! Quite a dashing fellow! (Can you tell I've been reading English novels lately?)
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