We found it!! Aiden wanted to get a white tree. I told him they don't sell those. He said "Yes, they do, I saw them at Wal-Mart!" Sorry buddy, not this year (or ever). :)
Apparently my children did not get the memo that this is the season to be JOLLY. Aiden and Kyle fought all week. Ryleigh, who was sick all last week with a sinus infection, is better, but extremely spoiled from being held for 5 days. She thinks my arms are her new permanent home. She had a wake up call on Saturday morning. :( It was just a weekend that matched the week. Everyday the kids woke up in a bad mood. How do they do that after getting almost 12 hours of sleep?? I believe it was from something called "too much grandmoms". But things took a turn for the better Sunday afternoon when we announced we were going to get the Christmas tree. Suddenly the Christmas spirit filled the air and we had very happy, cooperative children. Maybe it will last the whole time the tree is up! Wishful thinking, I know. We headed out to the tree lot to pick out our tree, we pulled up, looked at the price tags for just the smallest tree and decided to go to Lowes. :) Lowes had great prices and beautiful trees. Of course the boys were more into trying to get the penny's out of the fountains then pick out a tree, but we had fun.
Ryleigh LOVED the singing penguins and snowman from Aunt Debbie! This provided brief sitting down time for Ryleigh at different intervals throughout the day.
Ryleigh enjoyed getting into all the decorations.
And of course we have the normal craziness with the boys. Because we all know that Christmas ribbon is used to tie your brother up and drag around the house.
More pictures later, Ryleigh is screaming at the top of her lungs at my feet! :)
Too funny, Erin -- I always laugh while reading your blog. :) I know it probably wasn't funny at the time, but we sure do enjoy your kids "bad" behavior!! :) You know I love them!!! :) Looking forward to seeing what the tree looks like all decorated -- hurry up with the rest of the pics! :) No pressure!! :)
Oh, make sure Jason takes some pics of you and the kids in front of your tree -- you are always taking the pictures. he he =)
He Chelle said it best.., I wanted to echo her words!! I LOVE hearing the drama at your house and am glad it isn't at my house. ALthough Erin this time we have pretty much modelled the same week here. Aiden and Alyssa have been fighthing cats and dogs, and O has wanted to be in my arms continually!! I told Tom i am buying her a sling to carry her in.
Hope all is well
We have the opposite weather of you guys though. Middle of a snow storm here!!
I agree with them too. It's always so fun to read about what you guys are up to...and what we get to look forward to as the kids get older! Our tree process was a little less fun since we had to put up a fake one--but it was still a memory... even though we somehow didn't take any pictures!
Great story, except for "too much Grandmoms"! HAHA! Just doing my job!!! Everyone looks SO cute and excited-it's hard to believe they are grumpy! But I remember those grumpy days! They actually don't grow out of them!
I see Aiden got his hair cut! He's cute with long hair OR short!
ribbon to pull little brothers around, huh?
love it!
Just wondering if you recovered from your "having fun getting ready for Christmas" day? I'd like to see you shopping with all three kids. Bet that would be fun too. : ) Christmas does bring its challenges but you have to admit they seem small when compared to the beauty of the real Christmas miracle and that special family time on Christmas day. Thanks for sharing it ALL. It makes me laugh and love to read it on you site. I still think you need to write a book but that could come later in life.
Yes, Aiden did get a hair cut. He was not that crazy about it until he went to school the next morning. A few girls said "Look! Aiden got his haircut! He looks handsome!" Suddenly, he loves his haircut. :)
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