Thursday, February 21, 2008

No Fun

Aiden, right before surgery - still smiling! :)
These last few weeks have been difficult ones. I choose not to put much up about it on the blog in order to save Jason the stress of reading about it all while he is away. I wanted him to be able to look at the blog and see smiling faces of the kids! :) The biggest ordeal we had was finding another lump on Aiden's shoulder and him having to have surgery again this week to have it removed. It was another hemangioma (benign tumor of the blood vessels), but this time had lymphangiomas (benign lymph filled cyst) attached. At this point we still do not know why he is getting them. His surgery was on Tuesday and he was a champ! It was probably harder on me having to go through it without Jason then it was on Aiden actually having the surgery, because he got presents! :) To make life just a little more fun we also had the flu, colds, double ear infections (Ry), pneumonia (Ry) all in the last 2 weeks. I think changing diapers, wiping little hineys and cleaning up throw up (yeah, it was that kind of flu) will now go on my resume since I am such an expert in this field. :)

Aiden, right after surgery, in the recovery room playing a video game. He had remembered these games from last time and that is the one thing he kept talking about. I told one of the nurses and they made sure that they brought them to him right after he came back to his room.

Opening gifts once we got home. As you can see, he is not smiling here, he was a little groggy for awhile. He did perk up though when we saw what was in the presents. :) Thanks everyone!
And here is Ryleigh, who has a real love for her medicine! :) Which is a good thing since she was on so much recently! Notice her two different colored shoes.......


Vicki & Bruce said...

Looking forward to seeing a big smile on Aiden's face again! So glad everything went well! Love Ryleigh's "little bird" mouth!

Brian and Jen said...

Sorry to hear you about all the hard times you've had. Everything seems to happen when Daddy's gone. I'll be praying for you! Read Isaiah 40:11. I put in on my fridge for stressful days. :) So nice to know that God "gently leads those who have young"
We did fly into Hilo, that's the name of the town. The island is called "Hawaii" or "Big Island"- it's huge, we didn't even see half of it. It's the size of Connecticut! But we had a great time. Where all did you guys go when you were here?

Anonymous said...

Aww... tell Aiden I love him! :(
Love Megan

girlebert said...

AWWW Pooor guy. WOW.., My little brother (7 yrs) had his surgery today. He has had a lazy eye,and he underwent surgery to try to correct that. They cut the muscles in the eyes or tied them up to tighten them to try to straighten the eye!! We pray it was successful. Due to some discomfort, he won't open his eyes much they said for the next few days!!