We were very happy to pick up Annah yesterday from the airport! I was in need of an extra pair of hands. It is very common for military wives, when their husbands go away, to pack up and head back to their home towns. Sometimes just for a month or two, or sometimes for the whole time their spouses are away. But, I can't do that, so some help came my way! Thanks God for lots of sisters! After Jason being gone for just under 4 weeks and sick kids, I was very happy to see her!! She has been such a huge help and it is so nice to have someone to talk to besides toddlers! The boys are also very happy she is here, as you can see in the picture. Ryleigh is still warming up to the idea!

Aiden loved it that Annah had schoolwork to do while he did his homework.

PIRATES!! This weekend the boys went to a Pirate party, it was quite a hit.

We all think that Kyle made a really good pirate with his long hair!

Looking for treasure, with the help of a map.

Ryleigh wanted to find treasure too, she is never far behind the boys.
And when we got home, she had to give the pirate look a try!
Glad to "see" Annah doing her school work! SO glad that Annah is blessing you and that she is enjoying being with all of you! Love the pirates! How cute-especially the pink pirate!
Glad you got some help. I laughed before when you said you always have plans to do things at night when Jason's gone but yet you never seem to get off the couch. That's how I always am too! :) Hang in there! :)
Aw, so sorry to hear that Jason won't be there for Valentines Day. Glad you got some flowers, though! I really should buy them more... So nice to see around the house.
Thanks for the comments on the blog!
Your kids are just to cute!! tell Annah I said hi!!
Love Meg
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