Life is in full swing as usual around here. We are counting down the days until Jason's graduation from TBS in just one week!! I made a trip down south last weekend and found a house. Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we will settle on it on November 17th. Liz's wedding is just a few week's away, and with our move just one day after, things by no means have settled down. :) I am on the phone for hours a day getting insurance and interest rate quotes, all the while trying to do school with Aiden and Kyle and keep Ryleigh out of every one's hair (that I do not succeed at, ever). Aiden asks me everyday "When I am I going to be able to go to real school??" I told him this is real school too, he says it's not, it is fake. Doesn't feel fake to me!
Kyle and Ryleigh using an outdoor toy indoors. Crazy kids. :)

Aiden and Lindsey goofing off.

So in this household there is A LOT of everything. Shoes are one of them. :) There are always shoes everywhere! We took this photo and used it as the header for mom and dad's blog. Another thing that there is a lot of around here is cell phones. With three different levels to this house and so many people, sometimes texting is the best way to find someone instead of physically looking for them! Ryleigh has caught on. The other day she had someone's cell phone and I asked her what she was doing, she said "I texting Jason". Guess she hears me say that a lot. :)

For a field trip a few weeks ago I took the kids to an animal refuge center. Here they are, after checking out a bear.

With all the wild animals they had, lions and tigers and bears, the boys were most interested in the big buck. He seemed interested in them too, he followed us all along the path.

The boys kept saying "I bet Dad wishes he could be here!"

Ahh, school! Don't be fooled by this happy face. It does not always look like this. Apparently I do not hold a candle to Mrs. Dubbs.

Kyle showing his true feeling for having to sit at one of Annah's volleyball games. Sitting is not his cup of tea.

Aiden and Ryleigh at a game. Ryleigh got the hang of the whole cheering -someone- deal a few games into the season. She would just randomly say "Go Annah!! WoooHOO!"

Aimee (or as we affectionately call her Baaimee - so dubbed by Ryleigh) cutting onions. This particular onion was really making her cry and I told her that I had heard if you put a piece of bread in your mouth while cutting them, it would absorb the oils, she had heard the same thing about sunglasses. So she tried both. :) It made dinner prep just a little more interesting. If you try this at home you won't be hungry for dinner though, you eat too many pieces of bread.
Oh I laughed so hard at the picture of Aimee!
Good job Erin, thanks for updating! I'm going to miss you guys so much when you move :(
Good job Erin, thanks for updating! I'm going to miss you guys so much when you move :(
I've been waiting for a blog update from you!! Be seeing you guys very soon! So funny about Ryleigh saying she was texting jason. I cracked up.
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