Here is Aiden on his first day at his new school. Excited and ready to go!
Now we are back to PA! This was the Wednesday before the wedding when we were making cookies for the party favors. We made 7 batches of cookies! It was an all night affair. And don't worry folks, we really didn't eat this much dough.
Liz was in charge of baking them.
Me getting ready to start bagging them all. We started out with lots of helpers, but by the end of the night, it was just me and Liz. I wonder where everyone disappered to??
COOKIES GALORE! :) The piles never seemed to go down.
The end result.

The rehearsal dinner. Mom with some the girls. Oh, and Aiden.
Me with Megan and Sarah
Aiden and Lindsey. Excuse the food in his mouth. I have taught him better than that.
The Bride and Groom to be...
Cait and Ash
Jason, Erin and Joe

Wedding Day! We kind of took over the whole hair salon. :) I heard one of the stylist say when I got there (me with Aimee and Annah) "MORE sisters?!" We are quite a crew!
Ryleigh with her buddy Ash. She LOVES to call and talk to Ashleigh. And Ash is so sweet, just puts her phone on speaker, goes about what she is doing and lets Ryleigh talk on and on. No wonder Ryleigh is so in love with all her aunts!
I wasn't able to get any photos of us getting ready. I was too busy arguing with our moving company. They called me in the middle of getting ready for the wedding and asked me where we were meeting them to drop off our house hold goods. What??!!! Yeah, it arrived 5 days early. I was not happy. Someone messed up and it was a big headache, but we eventually did get it worked out.
The rehearsal dinner. Mom with some the girls. Oh, and Aiden.

Wedding Day! We kind of took over the whole hair salon. :) I heard one of the stylist say when I got there (me with Aimee and Annah) "MORE sisters?!" We are quite a crew!
The wedding! The adorable flower girl, Linsdey and her handsome escort, Aiden
Josh hamming it up while Aiden is trying to have a photo shoot. :)
When you hand over your camera to someone in my family, you are never sure what will show up on it when you get it back....
More of Aiden. He is not camera shy. I think I heard he asked for this photo to be taken.
Ashleigh, Erin and Sarah
The back of me and Ryleigh
Aimee and Aiden
Mom and Dad ,with Ryleigh, watching the picture taking process
Oh look! Another one of Aiden.
Annah and Ashleigh
Caite and Aimee
That is the end of my wedding photos. I was not able to get any photos of the reception. Ryleigh ended up being really sick and I spend most of the reception trying to find medicine for her and her pacifiers. Jason even had to make a trip to Wal-Mart in the middle of the reception to buy her pacifiers. Somehow at the church we lost them and she was so miserably sick the only thing that would calm her down was a pacifier.

Here is Ryleigh washing dishes at moms. She absolutely loves to wash dishes. I wonder how I can make this love last?? The whole kitchen floor would be soaked, along with her clothes and counters, but it kept her busy for a really long time. :) And sometimes 2 year olds need to be kept busy for a really long time, regardless how messy the outcome is.
Football. One day Josh decided it was his job to teach the boys all about football. He would say he was training them, not letting them each junk food, making them do push ups and getting them up early to "train". Most training sessions didn't last too long though.... :)
Thanks for the GREAT rehash of "old times"! I've had enough peace and solitude now that I'm ready for more big family times! SURE MISS you all! When I see those pictures, I realize how wonderful it was to have all of you here in PA! Looking forward to the day when your family and Chelle's are LIVING close enough to have more family times!
so good to catch up on all your pics. hope the moving in is going well. from the pictures you look pretty settled, way to go! :)
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