Up the dunes to the house!
The first level of the house had a pool table that got a lot of use! It was a great game room and Grandmom keep them busy with craft projects everyday. They loved it!
One chilly day we turned the jet tub into a swimming pool for the kids. :)
Another of Grandmom's projects. Painting Easter eggs.
And another project, paper mache masks. You can see Ryleigh is getting quite frustrated because her balloon will not stay put/
Grandmom also put together a treasure hunt. Complete with treasure map that they "happened" to find. Here they are racing to where they think the treasure is.
They found the spot!!
It was clearly marked, as you can see.
With the loot. The kids were excited digging for the first like 3 seconds, then they wanted to move on to another spot. But since we knew it was buried in that spot we tried to get them to keep digging in that area. It didn't work and the adults had to take over (Josiah buried it REALLY deep!) At one point I was digging and Katie said "You can do it Aunt Erin! You can do it!" In other words, they wanted that treasure!
The sun finally did make an appearance later in the week and we soaked it up!
Two little bating beauties. None of them stayed still for long. I can't believe I even caught it on camera!

They found the spot!!
It was clearly marked, as you can see.
With the loot. The kids were excited digging for the first like 3 seconds, then they wanted to move on to another spot. But since we knew it was buried in that spot we tried to get them to keep digging in that area. It didn't work and the adults had to take over (Josiah buried it REALLY deep!) At one point I was digging and Katie said "You can do it Aunt Erin! You can do it!" In other words, they wanted that treasure!
Playing a pirate game with Grandmom with real chocolate coins!
Ryleigh is a huge dog lover. Don't know how long we are going to be able to keep saying no to the pet thing around here. I am holding my ground as long as possible.
We already can't wait to go back next year!
You're right! It sure is a fantastic place, complete with wild horses! Looks like scenes from a movie! And the cast of characters are adorable! What a great vacation, but so sorry Jason wasn't able to be there the whole time!
Hope we can do this with our family some time! Looks like lots of fun!!! :)
awesome photos! loved the horses!
Looks like such a fun time. I'm amazed at all the craft projects! and jealous of the beach... starting to miss the beach now that it's warmer out.
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