Ahh, our beautiful yard full of clover. How I miss the lawns of the north. Growing grass down here in the sandy soil is not an easy task. We are slowing working on it, but it will never look like the lush, green lawns of PA. We have killed most of the clover.
Ryleigh checking out the John Deere.
Ryleigh declared herself queen of the weeds!
The kids loved the clover and its time here in our yard. They picked huge bouquets of it for me daily. I had them all over the house!
A good example of one of my many bouquets of "flowers"
Here she was throwing clover and grass in the air.
So was Kyle....
And Aiden.....
Kids on the tractor.
We are trying our best to raise country bumpkins even though we are not really in the country. :)
Kyle wanted to make sure everyone was protected while they were on their wagon ride. He asked me the other day who our enemies were. I wasn't sure how to answer him. Before I could answer he said, "Is it the Japanese?" Sounds like someone has been telling him about WWII.... I told him no, they were not our enemies anymore that was a long time ago. He said "What happened? Did they repent to God?" Sounds like he is also been listening in Sunday School!
Daddy giving rides on the tractor. He rode them through the neighborhood.

Tis also the season for mowing. I am very grateful to have Jason around this year to take care of the yard! I know it won't last forever so he keeps making me practice backing the tractor in and out of the shed so I don't wreck it. It's not a bad idea, backing up is not my forte'. :)
I'm giggling over Kyle's comments.
Love all the pictures and the Kyle story! :-) Your blog is so much fun to read... makes me remember being a kid again.
LOVE Kyle's thoughts! And did you know clover was a high allergen? Keeping bouquets all over your house will not help with sneezing! LOL! I did the same thing when you guys were little with ragweed! A beautiful flower to pick as a little girl, but a super sneezer!
awww, miss being in NC with you guys! :(
LOVED the Kyle stories! He's too cute!! :)
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