I think something is seriously wrong with Aiden. He
asks to do math flash cards. And then when I say I will do them with him, he jumps up and down all excited. I am now wondering if he is our child......
Megan and Sarah will be here Monday morning!!! So, after that we can have this baby! I wish it was that predictable. Aiden has been counting the days until they get here. The nursery is all ready. She is not even born yet and I think she has more clothes than I do. I will post pictures soon.
We have had a quiet Saturday. Jason has been working on college. He now has 8 credits towards his Masters! The boys have been playing nicely together all day (Well
almost all day, there was a short screaming match over something upstairs, but it didn't sound like anyone was dying so we let them hash it out. A few minutes later they came down with no blood or visual scars, so they must have worked it out). I have been doing laundry. Trying to keep the clothes hampers empty, so that when I come home from the hospital we are not knee deep in laundry. We are getting ready to go play outside for awhile, then go get a movie, come home and cook the steak that has been marinating all day. Tim and Meredith, wish you all were here to eat it with us!!