Sunday, July 02, 2006

Out of the mouth of Aiden

Aiden is quite a talker. He talks from the moment he wakes up, until he falls asleep at night. At 6:30 a.m. he is in our room talking about what he wants to do that day. When we drive in the car, and he knows he has us trapped, he does not even take a breath. And you can't just tune him out either, because periodically he will say "Did you hear what I said Mom? Tell me what I said." Just recently we watched a documentary on the Discovery Channel about killer ants. He spent the next 45 minutes straight explaining to Jason and I how he would trap the killer ants. Here are just a few things that he has said recently that brought laughter to our household.

- "Mom, watermelon is so tasty on hot days."

- When corrected on hitting his brother, he replied, "Mom, that is just part of life."

- "Superman is strong, but he is not as strong as God or my daddy."

- When I responded to one of his many statements with, "Oh, I see." He told me that "'Oh' is not a word, 'O' is a letter."

- He heard someone mention drugs in association with a boy being in trouble. He asked why drugs got him in trouble. I just briefly told him that drugs are something that people take that ruins lives and could possibly kill them. He looked really confused. So I explained it again. Then he says "Drugs are not real, they are like carpet. They don't kill people." It took me a minute before I realized he thought I was saying "rugs".

- "If I fall on my head, will my imagination fall out?"

- "I forgot to brush my teeth, they are going to fall out in a second!"

It is fun having a 4 year old in the house. I wish he wouldn't grow up.

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