Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ryleigh's Room

No, the baby is NOT here yet. I do not have any idea how my mom handled being late with all 11 of us. If anyone ever accuses her of being crazy, she can blame it on that. I think being overdue does something to your head, seriously. It also could have something to do with the heat and humidity.

Anyway, the chair for Ryleigh's room finally arrived today. So I took some more pictures of her room. We rearranged it a bit to fit the chair. Check out her closet, we have been flooded with gifts for this baby. Not counting all of Allie's clothes that Chelly sent.

I did have a Dr.'s appointment today and I am now 3 cm. dilated and 75-80% effaced. They stripped my membranes (yeah, it doesn't just sound bad) and said I would hopefully go into labor within the next day. If not, they will induce me on Friday morning. I do not want to be induced, so we are really praying she decides to come soon.

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