So these pictures pretty much sum up my week. I finally took Kyle to the Dr. yesterday after he woke up for the 4th in a row morning with a fever. He has hand, foot and mouth disease, which sounds horrible, but is just a common childhood virus. Which explains the rash he has. He also had the flu on top of that. So Kyle had it the worst, so far. I noticed the rash starting on Aiden's hands and feet yesterday afternoon, so no soccer last night. He has only had a slight fever and been mildly grumpy. Of course all is mild compared to Kyles mood this past week. Ryleigh also seems a bit sick and her usual easy going attitude has been replaced with crankiness. She also has a cold. She does not want to be put down, either does Kyle, Aiden wants to be close.....you get the picture! " :'{ Here is a scene from last night as I was trying to make dinner:
Ryleigh was crying on the couch, Kyle was screaming and hanging to my legs and Aiden was opening and shutting kitchen cabinet doors. Apparently this really irritated Kyle (not hard to do these days) who kept screaming "STOP!!" Aiden just ignored him. Finally I said "Aiden please stop doing that, you are irritating Kyle and he is sick, so just stop." Aiden - "Mom, I'm not doing it to irritate Kyle, I am doing it to irritate Ryleigh." Me - "Aiden, Ryleigh isn't even in here, so just stop." Aiden - "Ok, I'll do it to irritate you." Me - "I really don't want to be irritated right now Aiden." Aiden - "Ok, I'll just irritate myself."
Aiden is too much!
Erin, boy what a shame we could not have been with you all. It looks like so much fun. ;) But we have been there and done that!
Can you believe I finally figured out how to use this crazy blog! About Kyle, I know it wasn't funny at the time, but one day, like me, you will look back and laugh. Even though somedays I still have a child that does that!
Those pictures are priceless! I can hear him from all the say over here in Oklahoma. =) Poor guy... I don't look forward to those days.
Erin, I don't know how you do it. I think I would have gone nuts by now.
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