Our neighbor got married this past weekend at the beach, and another neighbor of ours took these pictures and sent them to me. As you can see he took a picture of our family, but I guess he thought we wanted a picture of the lighthouse, not the family. lol Oh well, we tried. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. We are all just now over all the sickness we had for over two weeks. We had Jason's Marines over again yesterday for a picnic. 25 of them this time! We plan to head to PA on Friday, after Jason gets home from work. I'll try to update before we leave. Thanks for all the comments you all have been leaving!! We love it!
Can't wait until you get here!!! Looking foward to some fun together with the gang.
Love the pictures!
Beautiful pics. Can you email me a pic of the family one?? I try to enlarge it on my computer and it has some sort of an error. Unless you have a better family pic, I would LOVE to see one!! Take care!!
that post was from girlebert, it just had to be posted anonymus for some reason it wouldn't let me sign in:(
I couldn't enlarge the family picture either. :( Thanks for the update!
Aiden is sure starting to look like a little boy instead of a toddler! And Kyle looks like there is a mischievous gleam in his eye-so cute to us but hard to deal with for you! Can't wait to see your family in person! Need to hold a baby!!! Sure you won't mind! If all my M & L order comes in, I'll have lots of popscicles! They didn't have much i.c. to pick from.
I am not sure why you can't enlarge the pic. It won't work for me either. Sorry. We will try to get a real family pic while we are home.
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