My cousins, Alex and Ryan came up last week to spend the night and day with us. We had a great time. We played very loud and animated games of Taboo, lots of Xbox (they showed me no mercy, not even my dear husband), went to the same restaurant for breakfast and lunch (the only one in town), and had fun trying out Jason's bow. Alex worked really hard to get on Kyle's good side and by the time they left he was best buddies with her. We are really glad they took of work to come see us. Thanks guys!! So guys I expect comments from now on. And Uncle Jeff, I am sure you have something to say about your own children. :) Granddad, I am sorry this took so long to get updated. For some reason the blogger was not letting me post pictures.
Great pictures you have there Erin. Thank goodness you didnt put up that video. But I dont think I would be if you did. I had fun hanging out with you guys. That sandwich was great. Hope to see you around Christmas time.
Personally, I think you need to put up the video, it's priceless. Ryan's animation, hillarious. Always good times when it comes to the King/Aguilar/Port family playing games ... at least I didn't cheat. :) Which I never did in the first place, even though you guys always claim I did. And I must say, I think I was somewhat successful in getting Kyle on my good side, he wouldn't let me put him down at one point. At least it wasn't that hard getting Ryleigh, then again she is a baby, then again all other Aguilar babies cried when I held them. Anywho Erin, you asked for a comment and you got a really long one. What can I say, I like to talk. Did you ever find out about Ashleigh's friend? It was really good seeing you guys too, and I hope, better yet, you and the kids since I know Jason can't, better make it to Christmas. :)
Hey what a break. G-mom and I are setting here in the dark waiting for the trick or treaters to vanish. So we decided to check the blogg and what a surprise to see all the pictures of the grandkids playing in Perry co. Keep them coming it helps us get through the day.
Good job A & R! Love the comments. Keep it up. Glad you all had fun. I think I might try to put up that video one day.... I think everyone should get to see Ryan's imitation of a postcard...lol
You could always put it on b**btube (lets keep it PG here) as your mom says. Haha. Yea, I would agree, my animations are pretty funny, but what can I say. I was born to keep the Aguilar kids on the funny side.
hey erin heres my comment.
comment... :)
Nice to see the King kids interacting with the Port Side. I hope they don't ask for SANTA to bring them a bow set. Glad your kids warmed up to at least 50% of the Kings!
a little tip for ya- you can jack up your comment count by leaving them for yourself, anonymous or otherwise =)
This is a very cool blog by the way- for someone with three kids, at least. Just kidding! (you practically asked for that one.) I love reading about what's new with you guys. Take care
comment number two here...
Ashleigh has a "friend"?! Very interesting. Blogs are such a useful conduit for learning about stuff that's none of my business. So- like Ryan said, did you find out about him??
Agghh- #3!! (you OWE me =)
correction: like ALEX asked, not Ryan.
Alex, the answer to your question is- no. Ashleigh said maybe it had something to do with them both being tall. lol
Sean, sorry to disappoint, but Ashleigh's friend is really just one of her friends. But, hey this would be the place to find out if Ash had a "friend". I'll be sure to post when that happens. Sorry Ash, a family this big there will be no way to keep it off one of our blogs. :)
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