Jason's platoon, on the parade deck, ready to graduate.

Being with Jason on Family Day and Graduation is like being with a celebrity. Everyone wants to talk to him, introduce him to someone and have their picture taken with him. After being through several of these events, I have come to the conclusion that I don't think I would like being married to someone famous. :) But, Jason is very down to earth about it and does not let it go to his head! :) All I have to say is "Hey Hon!" and he will excuse himself and come right over to find out what we need. I usually just stand back and watch all of this, but Aiden demands attention. After having his dad be gone for so much during the 3 month cycle, Aiden is like "This is my dad, and I want him back NOW." He hangs on him the whole time the new Marines are trying to say their goodbyes. Several of Jason's new Marines came up to me and said
"We just want to thank you for giving us your husband and supporting him so he can do his job. He always would tell us that you were the real hero, at home taking care of the kids. He taught us not to forget the ones at home that support all we do." Made me feel special. :)
So, how do we celebrate graduation? And how do we top a week of sick kids? I am about to tell you. We were all together in the truck after grad, happy to be done and looking forward to a relaxing afternoon. We went through the drive through at McDonald's on the way home and gave everyone their food. About half way home Kyle says the now famous words
"Mom, I have to throw up." Yeah, we totally believe him now. I grabbed the only thing I could quickly find, the fast food bag (after I dumped the food that was still in it on the console) and put it in front of him. So, he emptied his stomach and just as he was done, I see that the bag is breaking. Jason pulls over quickly and wanting to save the carseat, that had been puked in twice that week already, I tried to get the bag to the front as quickly as possibly to put it out the door. Of course in hindsight, this was a really bad move. As I moved from the back seat across the front, the bag ripped and it's contents went everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I didn't even realize what had happened until I heard Jason go
"AHHH!!" I look over and see he is covered in throw up. He is literally dripping in it. I look down, it is all over me. I look behind me, it is
in the diaper bag, my purse, all over Kyle, all in Jason's duffel bag and all over the stuff in it, on our food, in our drinks, in between the seats, on the cell phones, the mirrors, the floor, the door, the radio, ok, I guess you are getting the picture. For a minute I just look at Jason, he just looks at me, then we start to laugh. What else can you do? So, we get home and begin the agonizing process of cleaning up. It takes
hours, and since we were so busy, Aiden had to fend for himself for a few things. He needed help in the bathroom, but I told him to just deal with it himself. In hindsight, another bad move. A few minutes later he says,
"Mom! Why is the water rising in the toilet?" I run to find the toilet about to overflow. Aiden says
"I used a really big ball of toilet paper." I call Jason, we start frantically looking for the plunger. It takes a minute, because the kids had found it the other day and I took it away and hid it. I find it just in time, hand it to Jason, he plunges the toilet, it goes all over both of us. At least we had not taken a shower yet.....
So they really do teach all those recruits behind all that yelling.
Thats quite a story there Erin, but next time please for warn me. I was eating a bowl of chicken soup and nearly lost it. Other then that, you have nothing to worry about now because you back in gods country. See you this weekend, hopefully.
holy smokes. that's rough!
wow, Erin, that sounds like my luck! i bet your car really stunk! glad this cycle is over and hope you guys can spend some quality, non-puke-infested time together. :-)
Thanks for all the posting = I love being able to keep up with your lives! You both do an amazing job!!
We love you guys!
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