I spoke too soon.....Almost everyone we know has been sick, and we were all healthy as horses. I was thinking that we had escaped the claws of the winter flu when it hit with a vengeance.

Ryleigh got it first Friday morning and throw up on me more times than I can count. I ran out of towels and old sweatshirts. I did load after load of laundry. I held her all day, it was heartbreaking to watch her feel so bad. The boys did what boys do best and took advantage of me not being able to keep on top of them. We woke up the next morning and everything seemed fine (except for the fact that I really didn't sleep, since I held Ryleigh all night). Ryleigh was a bit cranky and did not want to eat, but seemed on the mend. Kyle put an end to thinking all was fine and dandy by throwing up from one end of the room to the other. It was not pleasant, and I will not give details. I cleaned him up, but a towel on the sofa and a bucket right beside him. He continued to empty his stomach, even after nothing was left, all day and night. By 6:00 p.m Aiden had joined the ranks. He succeeded in hitting 5 places that needed a thorough scrubbing by the time he was done, including brand new sofa pillows that I thought I moved far enough away from the sick zone. Apparently not. So another towel, and on the sofa he went. Jason called from work, (he worked all night) to say that, he too, was sick. The Drill field does not really allow you to be sick, so I am sure the recruits had an interesting night. :) I put the boys in our bed and slept (not really) at the bottom of the bed. This morning, the boys seemed better and asked to drink. They had not been sick since the middle of the night, so we gave it a try. You guessed it, another load of laundry was required within an hour. It is now the end of the day and at the moment we are holding down some ginger ale and a piece of toast. Things are looking up......
Editors note: Things did not look up for long. :{
Can't believe you could find time to blog! Wish I was there to hold a sick one or just help with laundry or something! Funny to see them so quiet!
awwww, how heartbreaking! i know how hard it must be to take care of all of them sick, all by yourself! poor thing!
It brings back to many exhausting memories. I remember Eric and I spending one night on the carpet in the school room with all four kids lined up and trash cans beside everyone! I am praying you are all well and stay that way.
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