
I know I am very behind on updating the blog. But we are having so much fun and so busy that I have not taken the time to get on the computer. Here are just a few pics from while we have been here. The kids are having a blast in the snow. They have been outside for hours on end. I have lots more pics to put up, but they are still on my camera, these were just a few that got downloaded to my parents computer. I knew Granddad and Grandmom would be getting antsy for some pictures, so this is to hold them over! :)
Thanks Erin we will sit tight and wait for the rest when you get home. We enjoyed having all of you over night, wished you could have stayed longer. Thought the boys were real good while they were here. Aiden already acts like a little Marine.They all are very cute kids.
Glad to see Aiden and Kyle are enjoying the snow! It was great seeing all of you this week. Love you guys!
let me guess- halo 'till all hours...?
Loved seeing all the great pics!
How long in advance did you put in your order for snow? :)
So glad you had such a good time, but sorry we did not get to see you! It must be nice being back in the sunny Carolinas again though!
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