The day we got engaged - December 97

Our wedding, April 4, 1998
On our honeymoon, OC, MD
At the Del Mar State Fair 1999
In our apartment
Camp Pendleton, CA 1999
San Diego Wild Animal Park
Another beach picture, not sure when
Getting ready for a bonfire at the beach, right down from our apartment
Las Vegas, after a MC Ball 2000
Marine Corps Ball - November 2000
Hawaii May 2001
At a friends wedding, June 2001
A family of three! August 2002
Summer 03 - Jason surprised me at Aiden's 1st birthday party with a new ring.

Fall 2003 - Baby #2 on the way!
Fall 2004, a family of four
December 2005 - another baby on the way!
Fall 2006
What most of our family photos look like, someone crying, someones eyes closed, someone making funny faces. This is life. :)
Our family today!
As the years go by I found less and less pictures of Jason and I together and mostly of just the kids or one of us with the kids!

A family of three! August 2002

Fall 2003 - Baby #2 on the way!

Happy Anniversary Jason!! Thanks for 9 of the best years of my life! I love you more every day and I look forward to growing old with you.
Hi Erin,
We enjoyed the trip down memory lane. You do a great job in posting all the pictures and coments. We also enjoyed all the photos of Kyle birthday. Tell Kyle that g-mom got Buddy A motorcycle for Easter. Guess he will sleep with it tonight.
awww, i loved seeing all your photos! how precious! happy anniversary! you guys make a really gorgeous family!
Happy Anniversary! Can't believe it's been that long. Very nice fam pic. ttyl
Awesome Family!!
Happy Anniversary you guys! Wow, you've added a bunch of updates.
I'm amazed at how similar you and Dana look in some of these pics, especially "Fall 2003 - Baby #2 on the way." I always thought people assumed you were sisters simply because of the matching plaid jumpers!
Awwww this is sooooo cute. Happy Anniversary you two! I hope you enjoy it well. See you soon hopefully.
And where is your "blog dedicated Mom's" comment? Late! And totally consumed with school right now (2 evaluations in 2 days!). And everyone is getting up at 7:00 AM lately to prove they want a dog! There goes my time to get on the blogs! SO ANYWAY! Thanks Erin, for still remaining dedicated to keeping your PA families posted on the Port happenings! I still enjoy it, but have only fleetingly looked at it until today! When I look at the pictures of you and Jas, I have to go back to Messiah Creek, age ? (10 or 12 maybe?), when Kathy & I thought you would make a great pair! Glad Jason agreed! :) Happy Belated 9th Anniversary! (For those of you who think I am a negligent mother, I did personally say congratulations via phone!)
I enjoyed your picture post! Happy Easter!
GREAT pics! Thanks for posting them.
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH - you're in your 10 th year of marriage - awesome!
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