Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Kyle!!

Kyle, 2 days old Kyle, one week old
Last summer Last fall, one of my favorite pictures of him!

February 07

Today is Kyle's 3rd Birthday!! I wish I had the time to go through all our photos and put up pics of him throughout the last three years, but it is just not going to happen today! So, instead of putting nothing up, I am putting up just a few. He is referring to himself as "the birthday boy" today and is looking forward to his party at the park tomorrow (I'll put pics up from that tomorrow). Aiden keeps referring to Kyle as the birthday boy in everything he says. Like this morning: "MOM! Kyle, the birthday boy, hit me!" :) Kyle is a fun, determined kid who can always bring a smile to your face. He can do whatever he puts his mind to and he will stick at any challenge until he conquers it. He is very loving, concerned about the welfare of others, but also has an extreme stubborn streak. He likes to do things his way! We are so happy that God put him in our family and look forward to many more birthdays with our "golden boy"!

Monday, March 26, 2007

What you missed....

Our computer had to have a new hard drive put in it, this is what you missed while we were without a computer! :)
One day when I got out of the shower, I found Aiden walking back in forth in front of the front door. He was walking with his hands straight to his side and not missing a beat back and forth. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was guarding the door for me while I was in the shower. He takes the role of protector very seriously! :) He had to have been doing this for at least 2o minutes!
Time with Daddy.
At the park.
The boys love the park by the water. They call it the "water park". This bridge leads to where we live.
Wrestling with the neighborhood boys.
It is always all fun and games until someone gets hurt!

Kyle learned how to ride his bike without training wheels last week! He is pretty determined to keep up with Aiden. He asked me to take them off one day and since he can ride a Razor, we thought maybe he could ride a bike. I took them off and the first time I let go, he had it. In about 20 minutes he could start on his own. Now, he lives to ride his bike. Making it very hard for me to distract him to do something else.

He had a spill or two in the process.
At our park downtown.
Action shot!


Ryleigh turned 8 months old last week and she is officially crawling on all fours. She is becoming hard to keep up with and getting into everything. She eats what ever she can find on the floor, we are on constant patrol to make sure she does not find something to choke on. She is also pulling herself up to things and standing. And trying very hard to climb the stairs. I was really hoping that Ryleigh would be a late crawler and not interested in moving around. Instead, she is my earliest crawler and seems very eager to keep up with her busy brothers. So much for that hope.

Have you ever seen such a cute skirt? :)
Nap time at the beach.

She loves to stand at the window.

Crawling around.

As for Jason and I, we are just trying to keep up with this household! And despite the sleepless nights and interrupted conversations, we love every minute of it....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy 9th Birthday Josh!

Josh, we hope you have a great birthday and have a fun time going to see the 3d movie with Dad and Joe! Sounds like you had a great birthday party yesterday with all your friends. Aiden was very sad that we could not drive up for your party. Thanks for being a great friend to the boys. They are lucky to have you as an uncle!

We love you! Jason, Erin, Aiden, Kyle and Ryleigh

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fun with Daddy

Yesterday Jason's time off ended and this morning he picked up another platoon. Back to the rigours of recruit training. We thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our outpost and it was sad to have it come to an end. We did a lot while Jason was off, including our trip up north, but we really had the best time these last 2 weeks here at home. Jason had to work this week, but the hours were normal and yesterday he came home at 9:30 a.m. so we could have the whole day to hang out together. He won't be able to come home until late Tuesday night, so we did our best to enjoy yesterday! We took Jason and his DI's dinner tonight and as we were driving away Aiden said "When is daddy coming home to tell me my bedtime story?" Of course having Jason around for so long was heaven to the boys as much as it was for me. Here are a few things we did over the last week or so.....

Bike rides! Ryleigh loves them! Yesterday she fell asleep.
The Park. They love the monkey bars.
Caught a tender moment! :)

Playmobile and Lego time!

This is how we play hide and seek at our house, how about you? Why do I wonder why the boys climb everything??? I believe this picture captures where that comes from....
Of course you know what the boys are thinking..... "now, how can we get up there?"
So, he had a little harder time getting down......

Jason snapped this picture when he went in to get Ryleigh one morning. I love it.And of course we had some good steak, which we branded... :)

We are already counting down the days to the next outpost......

Friday, March 09, 2007

Beach Day!

I hate to rub it in to all you northerners, but while you all were having a snow storm, we were at the beach! When we were there the other day, the local newspaper was out taking pictures and Aiden's picture was in the paper the next morning.

As you can see, they didn't have any fun at all! :)