Today is Kyle's 3rd Birthday!! I wish I had the time to go through all our photos and put up pics of him throughout the last three years, but it is just not going to happen today! So, instead of putting nothing up, I am putting up just a few. He is referring to himself as "the birthday boy" today and is looking forward to his party at the park tomorrow (I'll put pics up from that tomorrow). Aiden keeps referring to Kyle as the birthday boy in everything he says. Like this morning: "MOM! Kyle, the birthday boy, hit me!" :) Kyle is a fun, determined kid who can always bring a smile to your face. He can do whatever he puts his mind to and he will stick at any challenge until he conquers it. He is very loving, concerned about the welfare of others, but also has an extreme stubborn streak. He likes to do things his way! We are so happy that God put him in our family and look forward to many more birthdays with our "golden boy"!
Happy belated Birthday Kyle. I hope you party was awesome and you got all the good presents you wanted. Happy Birthday!
We are glad God put him in your family, too, AND ours! Happy Birthday, too, Kyle! Sorry I didn't blog anything, but knew Kyle wasn't on the internet!
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