While we were back home, Jas and I found little skateboards for the boys. For those of you that regularly read our blog, you will remember from the post "Sunday Morning Antics" that a skateboard is something that Kyle has been wanting for awhile. It was supposed to be for Kyle's birthday at the end of this month, but once we got home Jason couldn't wait and gave them to them early. We now have more wheels than even Kyle knows what to do with.

It is beautiful here almost everyday now in the south and the boys have been outside a lot. There is a spot in the very back yard that grass does not grow and this is where the boys love to play in the dirt. They take out their hot wheels, back hoes and tractors and play for hours. While they were out there playing the other day, Aiden peeks his head in the house and yells
"Mom, can I pee in the yard?" I say yes and off he goes. A few minutes later, I hear Kyle say
"Mom! I pee in yard!" I just answer him since I am busy doing laundry, not even really thinking that he did, just that he is copying what Aiden said. We are in the process of potty training, so he is still wearing diapers (boys take forever). Anyway, Aiden comes back in to ask for something and I bring it out to them. I see Kyle walking kind of funny and then see something fall out his pant leg. Suddenly the
"Mom! I pee in yard" statement returns to my memory and I think
"Please God, let that be a leaf that just fell out of his pants." I yell for everyone to stay put while I run and get my shoes. I go out to investigate, it was not a leaf. I will be polite and not name it, but I am sure you get the idea. Aiden yells
"Gross, only dogs do that!!" Of course he shouldn't talk, he did it once in the
front yard in his potty training days. I pick him up and take him inside for a clean up. I am on the home stretch when I drop the diaper on the floor (which I could not fold up like a normal diaper since it was taken off and "put back on" by a 2 year old) and then loose my balance and step on it.

Since it never really gets very cold here, the leaves don't fall off the trees all at once. Instead they fall for months, a little at a time. When the wind blows a bunch will fall from the trees and the boys always say that it is "raining leaves". I caught a few cute pics of the them trying to catch them as they were falling.

Aww.. thats so cute, man I miss you guys so much, Aiden looks so grown up, and Kyle with his hand up in the air, they are just so adorable,lov ya.
I love your back yard... so pretty! ;) I'm sure Kyle will just love that story when he gets a little older. :) he he
Never in my wildest dreams would I think that I would have read what I just read. Seems that maybe you should buy some boots for your leaf raking expeditions. Are these two getting ready for the "Blue Collar Comedy Tour?" GOOGLE works well if your looking for an outhouse!!!
What can I say? It is never a dull moment around here, never.... :) I should put a warning at the top of our blog, you never know what you are going to be reading!
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